Great Expectations

A fresh blog by Patrick! This blog will be more about me and less about Nintendo.

My Photo
Location: Colorado, United States

I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pandora is good now?

I'm not sure either but dispite the name is still a pretty neat site.

Pandora is powered by what they call "the Music Genome Project". Basically in a Nutshell, it helps find music you like based on an artist you input (I think you can add more than one to a station and even if you can't you can have 100 stations) and then over time as you say 'Yay' or 'Nay' to song it learns based on that too.

The only problem is that it's a webbased tuner so if you're like me and you tend to close your browser a lot out of habit then that can be bad >_<

Fortunatly I've learned about an amazing, wonderful, obscure Microsoft tool that more or less solves this problem. It's call an HTML Application, or .hta, and basically what it is is a .html file renamed to .html and run in a special program (you know, one of the hundreds in sys23 you have no clue why it exists!). And then what it does is runs the .hta (remember it's just a .html) in it's own window like it was a program so you don't have to mess with tool bars and stuffs.

If you want to use Pandora feel free to also use:
My Desktop Tuner

If it opens in a browser window then prompts to be downloaded again when you run it then right click and select "Open with..." then go to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\mshta.exe" and tell it to Always Open it with that since you can't open it when anything else as far as I know.

So yeah, then run that and enjoy!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

My Opera?

What a concept! Me + Opera = Neato!

However..... Me + Opera + My Existing Blog = Holy Wowza!

Yes, this is what My Opera can do. It can import your blog from Blogger! And I'm pretty sure you can do it over and over, it's just more of a hassle after the first time. Not to mention I'd say My Opera has a cleaner, more user friendly interface (though much less customizable since you can't desgin the entire page from scratch).

Anyway, I'm still thinking about whether or not I should transfer my blog entirely to My Opera, just import the Blogger version each time I post, or just not use My Opera at all.

This is the question I leave to you, the readers.

The Pros to moving half way:
- A photo album to put my sunset pictures in.
- Two different looks.
- Still having a semi-simple url.

The Cons:
- A longer url.(This one really only applys if I move totally.)

Those are really the only things I can think of.... But even still, I want you guys to choose. I can always get an redirect link or something....

Anyway, here's a link to my other blog:
My Other Blog

Though, please go through this link too:
Affiliate Link

Deathfully yours,
The Management