Great Expectations

A fresh blog by Patrick! This blog will be more about me and less about Nintendo.

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Location: Colorado, United States

I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.

Monday, May 22, 2006


First off I'd like to say, don't think I've gone nuts, because I know all this will sounds rather strange coming from me and just in general. It actually sounds like a fiction novel but, untill I've had more time to talk to Sarah (that's the girl I talked about yesterday ("Normie" ^_^)), I believe it.

I don't know what she said exactly but whatever it was, Sarah has really made me start thinking about life differently. The most "notable" difference, I suppose you could say, is the fact I've actually started caring about my yard. For those of you who don't know me or havent seen my yard, well.... there's almost no grass in it because I haven't been watering it, because I didn't care.

She said that dispite common belief, Nature is alive and can speak to you, just not like we're used to, a.k.a. an Ent. I'm not entirly sure -how- it's alive but God gave it life like He did Humans and that out of ignorance and Human idiocy and sin we're destroying it and in the end Nature will sacrifice itself to save us.

One thing Sarah said was that whenever someone picks a flower apart, or pulls a leaf of a tree and rips it to shreds, she can hear Nature crying, sense and feel it's pain in the fact the wind changes and that the tree starts to droop. Most people don't notice these changes because they're not paying attention and/or don't really care.

Sarah, also talked about how one thing people don't do is explore. As Humans all we do is grow little plants and food. We take Nature for granted. She pointed out some ants that were crawling over a tree we were standing under, and that they are always exploring their little world and never waste the resources they take to live.

Looking at how I've let my yard just die really made that stand out. All I'm doing is sitting in my home being on the computer consuming paper and food, often being wasteful of it and so the very least I could care for my little part of Nature instead of letting it pile up with junk.

On a more general side talking to Sarah has also made me think about how I don't really -do- anything. I don't really do my school, I don't pay attention to the laundry, I don't take care of myself, and and I don't enjoy Nature for what it is, sometime I'm even going to start walking my dog!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to Sarah again next week because she's incredbly interesting. Then I can write more long posts like this one! ^_^

A Normie.


Blogger Hawk-McKain said...

Yeah, I plan to talk to her more about it, I mean considering I only had an hour and a half or so to talk to her -anyway- and not all of that was spent talking about her powers.... Well I've got a gazillion questions I want to ask her.

For all I know she, and her friends, could be Mass Hallucinating, but well.... that doesn't exactly seem fair to just pass it off as that. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic wishing fiction novels would come true ^_^ I doubt it though >.>

5/22/2006 9:35 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

Yeah, I agree with Brian. She just seems...a little too much into it. I mean, flowers are incapable of tears. So...yeah, that's my thought.

6/05/2006 10:51 PM  

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